Thursday, July 23, 2009


Parkour(PK) in English simply means the art of movement, the trend first started in France, and it is more similar to a martial art than to a sport. Parkour focused on moving from one point to another as smoothly, efficiently and quickly as possible using the abilities of the human body and personal spatial awareness.

Youngster nowadays practise parkour for body fitness and self development. People who practise parkour are normally those who love the excitement of speed and body stamina, or those who are seeking for self confidence and training for resisting feelings of fear. Besides, from my opinion, some high risks parkour movements can train a person to transform fears into strengths. And most of the movements required a strong body and strong focus as basis. In order to carry out parkour precisely and safely.

Do not try this at home. You need to have a clear understanding of your own strength limits, and please do not do something that is out of control. Remember, parkour is based on 'control of movements, not on what cannot be controlled'. See ya...

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